Databases (MCS En)

* practical test: Teams, 01.11.2021, 14:00

Databases – Practical test bonus

Lab 1
Lab 2
Lab 3
Lab 4

lecture notes
Lecture 1-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10, 11, 12, 13, 14 – Moodle
(Monday, 28.09.2020, week 1 – opening ceremony
Monday, 30.11.2020, week 10 – public holiday)

seminar notes
Seminar 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 – Moodle

lab grades

Sabina – lecture / seminar / lab

  • you’ve all been added to the Databases MCS (Sabina) team
  • 821, 821/1 – you’re in the seminar / lab channels as well

  • lecture – TEAMS / YouTube / Skype, depending on the availability of the platform
  • seminar / lab – TEAMS / Skype
  • lecture & seminar notes: Moodle – course Databases – Mathematics Computer Science in English
  • I’ll use your YouTube-linked email addresses to send auxiliary materials, updates, etc.
  • My email:
  • My Skype:

Emilia Pop, Manuela Petrescu – seminar / lab

  • Emilia Pop,
  • Manuela Petrescu
    “Laborator: se vor crea teams in care studentii vor fi adaugati. Numele team-ului va fi generic: MIE-Groupxxx-1 sau MIE-Groupxxx-2, unde MIE e prescurtarea sectiei Mate-Info Engleza, xxx e numarul grupei din care faceti parte, iar 1 sau 2 e numarul subgrupei. Daca n-ati fost adaugati, va rog sa imi scrieti pe email:”

To attend the exam in the examination / resit examination periods, a student must have at least 6 laboratory attendances and at least 5 seminar attendances, according to the Computer Science Department’s Decision.

Checking attendance: file sent at the end of the seminar / lab; your seminar / lab instructor will provide more details.

written exam (W) – 50%
practical test (P) – 25%
lab grade (L) – 25%
* requirements to pass: W >= 5, P >= 5
* practical test: 01.11.2021, 14:00

written exam, practical test, labs: Teams
backup platforms: Skype, Moodle, mail

At most 2 assignments can be delivered / lab.
2 weeks of delay = 1p penalty.
Lab assignments cannot be delivered in: week 13, week 14, the exam period.
At most 2 assignments can be delivered in the resit exam period, with a 35% penalty, only if the practical test is retaken.