Tag: dblabcs


Databases – lab 5 (Computer Science)

Lab 5. Indexes

  • assigned: week 11; due: week 12

Work on 3 tables of the form Ta(aid, a2, …), Tb(bid, b2, …), Tc(cid, aid, bid, …), where:

  • aid, bid, cid, a2, b2 are integers;
  • the primary keys are underlined;
  • a2 is UNIQUE in Ta;
  • aid and bid are foreign keys in Tc, referencing the primary keys in Ta and Tb, respectively.

Databases – lab 4 (Computer Science)

Lab 4. Database Testing

  • assigned: week 8; due: week 11

After you finished designing your database, the development team is interested in assessing the performance of your design. To record different test configurations and results, you create the following relational structure:

Tests – holds data about different tests;
Tables – holds data about tables that can take part in tests;
TestTables – junction table between Tests and Tables (which tables take part in which tests);
Views – holds data about a set of views from the database, used to assess the performance of certain SQL queries;
TestViews – junction table between Tests and Views (which views take part in which tests);
TestRuns contains data about different test runs;
– a test can be run multiple times; running test T involves:

  • deleting the data from test T’s tables, in the order specified by the Position field in table TestTables;
  • inserting data into test T’s tables in reverse deletion order; the number of records to insert into each table is stored in the NoOfRows field in table TestTables;
  • evaluating test T’s views;

TestRunTables – contains performance data for INSERT operations for each table in each test run;
TestRunViews – contains performance data for each view in each test run.…


Databases – lab 2 (Computer Science)

Lab 2. SQL Queries

  • assigned: week 3; due: week 6

On the relational structure created for the first lab, write SQL statements that:

  • insert data – for at least 4 tables; at least one statement must violate referential integrity constraints;
  • update data – for at least 3 tables;
  • delete data – for at least 2 tables.

Databases – lab 3 (Computer Science)

Lab 3. Altering the Database

  • assigned: week 6; due: week 8

Sometimes, after you design a database, you need to change its structure. Unfortunately, changes aren’t correct every time, so they must be reverted. Your task is to create a versioning mechanism that allows you to easily switch between database versions.…


Databases – lab 1 (Computer Science)

Lab 1. Database Design

  • assigned: week 1; due: week 3

Imagine a simple application that requires a database. Represent the application data in a relational structure and implement the structure in a SQL Server database. The database must contain at least: 10 tables, two 1:n relationships, one m:n relationship.…


Practical exam bonus

The following students earned an extra point on the practical exam (alphabetical order): Adascalitei Alexandru, Cseke Alpar, Deaconu Andrei, Farauanu Ionut, Fitero Isabela, Georgescu Stefan Paul, Gingu Ionut Viorel, Goteciuc Gabriel, Irimia Cristiana, Marcu Alexandru, Mesesan Patricia, Naiman Alexandru, Narita Gheorghe-Marcel, Pasca Vanessa.

Congratulations to all participants, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🙂…