Category: DBMSs


DBMSs – written exam, practical exam

The written exam is scheduled for June 4, at 10:00 AM, and the practical exam for June 1, at 12:00 PM (week 14).

In the next seminar we’ll present a practical exam model. A written exam model will follow.

Given these extraordinary circumstances, labs can also be delivered in weeks 13/14.…


DBMSs – examen scris, examen practic

Examenul scris va avea loc joi 4 iunie, la ora 10:00 (saptamana 14; fiind un colocviu, se va desfasura in intervalul orar alocat cursului).

Examenul practic va fi dat cu toate grupele deodata (in aceeasi zi, la aceeasi ora). Am cautat un interval orar in care sa fie disponibile toate grupele.…


DBMSs – written exam

According to Annex 1 (points 1, 5) from 04.28.2020, the written exam remains scheduled for week 14 (June 1-5):

“1.Sesiunile de examene și de restanțe se vor desfășura după calendarul propus inițial de Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică și aprobat de Rectorat prin Structura anului universitar 2019-2020.…


DBMSs – Reminder

I’m always here for questions, during the holidays, too!
Other videos will follow. Register and you’ll be notified of each new upload.
For students who register with a Gmail address – check the YouTube notifications in the Social folder. Thanks, Andrei!…


Database Management Systems

I uploaded a couple of videos for the course. Send me an email ( from your scs account with <group, last name & first name, an email address that is linked to a YouTube accountand you’ll be notified of each upload.

Happy Easter!
