Database Management Systems – Computer Science (English)

To attend the exam in the examination / resit examination periods, a student must have at least 6 laboratory attendances and at least 5 seminar attendances, according to the Computer Science Department’s Decision.

written exam (W) – 50%
practical exam (P) – 25%
lab grade (L) – 25%
* requirements to pass: W >= 5, P >= 5
* practical exam: weeks 13/14
* written exam: week 14

At most 2 assignments can be delivered / lab.
2 weeks of delay = 1p penalty.
Lab assignments cannot be delivered in: week 13, week 14, the exam period.
At most 2 assignments can be delivered in the resit exam period, with a 35% penalty, only if the practical exam is retaken (unless P = 10).
lab grades, attendance, course pageDBMSs schedule