Written exam
Out of 180 papers, three scored a perfect 10. Congrats to Jinga Tudor, Pauliuc Eduard and Ploscar Andreea!
SQL Injection
winners (alphabetical order):
- Ploscar Andreea Alina – rigorous, organized; nice setting;
- Trifan Octavian – very creative; your wish came true, you got your 10 in DBMSs, and there was no genie involved.
Well done, 922:

Erasmus Students
Send an email to sabina@cs.ubbcluj.ro from your stud.ubbcluj.ro account so I can add you to the course team.
lecture & seminar notes – Moodle (course Database Management Systems – Computer Science in English)
Lectures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8-9 (22.04.2022 – Public holiday), 10, 11, 12, 13
Lecture 14 – written exam (colocviu)
Seminars 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Sabina – lecture / seminar
- we’ll continue in the Databases CS 2021-2022 (Sabina) team
- TEAMS / YouTube / Skype – depending on the availability of the platform
- sabina@cs.ubbcluj.ro
seminar / lab
- Emilia Pop – emiliapop_23@yahoo.com (emilia@cs.ubbcluj.ro), http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~emilia/
- Razvan Borza – borzarazvan96@yahoo.com
- Claudia Ioana Coste – ioanaclaudia137@gmail.com, https://sites.google.com/view/claudia-ioana-coste
- Andreea Ionut – andreea.ionut@stud.ubbcluj.ro, https://andreeaxionut.wixsite.com/databases
To attend the exam in the examination / resit examination periods, a student must have at least 6 laboratory attendances and at least 5 seminar attendances, according to the Computer Science Department’s Decision.
written exam (W) – 50%
practical test (P) – 25%
lab grade (L) – 25%
At most 2 assignments can be delivered / lab.
Two weeks of delay = 1p penalty.
Lab assignments cannot be delivered in: week 13, week 14, the exam period.
At most 2 assignments can be delivered in the resit exam period, with a 35% penalty, only if the practical test is retaken.