Author: sabina


DBMSs – written exam

According to Annex 1 (points 1, 5) from 04.28.2020, the written exam remains scheduled for week 14 (June 1-5):

“1.Sesiunile de examene și de restanțe se vor desfășura după calendarul propus inițial de Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică și aprobat de Rectorat prin Structura anului universitar 2019-2020.…


DBMSs – Reminder

I’m always here for questions, during the holidays, too!
Other videos will follow. Register and you’ll be notified of each new upload.
For students who register with a Gmail address – check the YouTube notifications in the Social folder. Thanks, Andrei!…


Database Management Systems

I uploaded a couple of videos for the course. Send me an email ( from your scs account with <group, last name & first name, an email address that is linked to a YouTube accountand you’ll be notified of each upload.

Happy Easter!
