Tag: dbmsslab


Database Management Systems – Lab 1

  • assigned: weeks 1/2; due: weeks 5/6

Create a C# Windows Forms application that uses ADO.NET to interact with the database you developed in the 1st semester. The application must contain a form allowing the user to manipulate data in 2 tables that are in a 1:n relationship (parent table and child table).…


Database Management Systems – Lab 2

  • assigned: weeks 5/6; due: weeks 7/8

Transform your first lab to dynamically create the master-detail windows form. The form caption and stored procedures / queries used to access and manipulate data will be set in a configuration file.

You must prepare at least two different scenarios handling data from two different 1:n relationships.…


Database Management Systems – Lab 3

  • assigned: weeks 7/8; due: weeks 11/12

Prepare the following scenarios for your database:

  • create a stored procedure that inserts data in tables that are in a m:n relationship; if one insert fails, all the operations performed by the procedure must be rolled back (grade 3);
  • create a stored procedure that inserts data in tables that are in a m:n relationship; if an insert fails, try to recover as much as possible from the entire operation: for example, if the user wants to add a book and its authors, succeeds creating the authors, but fails with the book, the authors should remain in the database (grade 5);
  • reproduce the following concurrency issues under pessimistic isolation levels: dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, phantom reads, and a deadlock (4 different scenarios); you can use stored procedures and / or stand-alone queries; find solutions to solve / workaround the concurrency issues (grade 9);
  • reproduce the update conflict under an optimistic isolation level (grade 10).

DBMSs Lab1 submission – reminder (921, 922/2)

Send the following files to sabinasurdu[at]gmail.com, until the beginning of the class:

  • the database (files [YourDB].mdf and [YourDB_log].ldf);
  • the database diagram (Group_LastNameFirstName_DBDiagram.jpg or .png);
  • the Windows Forms app for the 1st lab ( a .zip archive – Group_LastNameFirstName_Lab1.zip).

Don’t forget to add a phone number.…